Appeals Court Upholds Florida School's Transgender Bathroom Ban

Transgender Flag Waving Against Trees

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Reaction continues to come in on a recent ruling from a federal appeals court regarding who can use which bathrooms at Florida schools.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals says the St. Johns County School Board did not discriminate against transgender students when it kept a biological girl from using the boys room.

"Really when you're saying to these kids that they can't be in the bathrooms that they identify with, that they're gender truly is on the inside, you're really rejecting their experience and you're making it unsafe for them."

Michael Riordan with the Compass LGBTQ Community Center in Lake Worth Beach tells CBS 12 News that the ruling is "distressing," but a mom-turned advocate who ran for a Palm Beach School Board seat last year applauds the ruling and says it's all about safety for girls.

"The court is right in their agreement with standing up to the Constitution in stating that 'We are going to follow biological sex.'"

A transgender student born a female sued after attempting to use the high school's boys bathroom.

The court noted that the school in question offers gender-neutral bathrooms for students.

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