Let's change the date of Halloween

Instead of being October 31st every year, why not the last Saturday of the month?

Kinda sounds great once you think about it. I love Halloween, but last year, when it was on a Wednesday...it kind of sucked. You never know if people are going to celebrate the weekend before or the weekend after, so instead it turns into like 2 weeks of Halloween parties. And if you're like me, a new costume for every event. Which is stressful, time consuming, expensive and not to mention a little hard on my liver if ya know what I mean.

And I'm just worried about adult festivities, don't even get me started on the kids struggles. Halloween on a weekday means your whole neighborhood will have to get on the same page about when we're actually going to be prepared for trick or treaters! And we all know that won't happen.

Sign the petition if you're on board. (I did)

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