16 Signs He's a Gentlemen

I'm usually not into these sort of articles, but if you're a single girl like me just waiting for what you feel like is impossible to find...we're not alone! Sometimes I catch myself thinking that my standards are too high, or I'm expecting too much, but then I see stuff like this and I am reminded there might be hope for us yet! 

Or at least I like to think if someone is writing a full article about this, it has to be based off of some sort of truth right?!

Here's a little over view of my faves: 

10. He appreciates a woman who shows she cares for him, but he isn't interested in being courted. 

11. He's just a man looking for a partner who can slay her own dragons, pay her own bills and explore the world alongside him.

15. He takes as much pride in the way he treats women he's with as he does his job and the way he looks.

16. He's not the bad boy, a good boy, or a boy at all; he's a man. A leading man, and he's looking not for a good girl, but a great woman. 

PLEASE read this full article, trust me. 

Check out the full article here. 

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